Hi, I'm Humaion Kobir

Frontend Developer

I'm a web developer with a focus on the MERN stack, but still exploring other technologies and frameworks that catch my interest! if you're looking for a developer to add to your team, I'd love to hear from you

About Me

Frontend Developer!

I'm a web developer with a focus on the MERN stack, but still exploring other technologies and frameworks that catch my interest! if you're looking for a developer to add to your team, I'd love to hear from you

My Skills





React JS

Tailwind CSS








Figma for Design


Chrome Dev tools for debugging




Web Design

Lorem ipsum dolor, sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Sequi molestias quo corporis excepturi quia rem eaque, natus perspiciatis dicta nulla.

Web Development

Lorem ipsum dolor, sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Sequi molestias quo corporis excepturi quia rem eaque, natus perspiciatis dicta nulla.

Responsive Design

Lorem ipsum dolor, sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Sequi molestias quo corporis excepturi quia rem eaque, natus perspiciatis dicta nulla.

My Projects

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Dance Learning School

It is basically an summer camp web application of Dance Learning School. Here shows what Class and Instructors provided for Students. Student can Enrolled classes with manual payment system and get better ui/ux design. A instructor can make classes, see them and update them, An admin can approve/deny and send feedback, and student can payment and enroll successful.

Website Image


It is basically an summer camp web application of Dance Learning School. Here shows what Class and Instructors provided for Students. Student can Enrolled classes with manual payment system and get better ui/ux design. A instructor can make classes, see them and update them, An admin can approve/deny and send feedback, and student can payment and enroll successful.

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Chef Recipe Hunter

It is basically Recipe Learning related web application of Dance Learning School. User Can Registration, Login, See Recipe when click View recipe button. Here user can learn favorite recipes from favorite chefs. This website has a generator PDF button on the blog page and user can download the blog pag. If the user wants to save the recipe in his favorites by clicking on the favorites button .

Website Image

Kidol Toy Markets

It is basically an Ecommerce web application of Electronic Toy Market. MERN Stack project for Electronic toy buy and sale Ecommerce Web application. User login and can add new toy for store products. A user can add classes, and update them User can manage her product.

Contact Me!